TRACK provides regular offers for teaching and research on the European Council (EUCO) as a key institution in the EU’s system.
By offering a 4-star-program tracking the EUCO's activities, TRACK aims to promote EU studies by a real-time analysis of the EUCO using a multidimensional approach; produce innovative online teaching modules for students and pupils; foster the exchange of ideas between academics, practitioners, the educational sector, civil society and the general public and to enhance knowledge of the EUCO and EU politics, also beyond higher education.
*Academic Analysis
TRACK regularly analyses and assess the EUCO’s activities along five analytical dimensions (history, real world functions, internal patterns of decision-making, impact on the EU’s institutional architecture, and lessons for teaching and research), aiming to promote EU studies by a real-time analysis of the EUCO as a moving target.
Combining academic research, public outreach and policy dialogue, TRACK will organize a kick-off conference, 20 public lectures with panel discussions and a luncheon debate across Europe, a mid-term event on the German Presidency, two World Cafés at secondary schools, three advisory board meetings, and a dissemination conference.
***Online Activities
TRACK’s online activities comprise regular analytical reports on the EUCO’s performance, brief comments after each EUCO meeting on Twitter, innovative online teaching modules (ncluding a TEDO scheme (Tasks, Election, Decision Making, Internal Organisation) of the EUCO and its President, an online quiz game, five virtual dossiers and expert interviews, contributions to Wikipedia articles and living editions on the EU system, three journal articles, two background papers to the conferences, and two conference reports.
TRACK will follow a tailor-made dissemination strategy and spread its output via its website, newsletters, social media and the partners’ networks.