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TRACK Annual Reports

TRACK Semi Annual Report 2021 No.1: Vaccinating Europe and finding a new Normal

In the first half of 2021 the European Council (EUCO) continued its role as the crisis manager for the European Union and therefore mainly dealt with problems regarding the COVID pandemic. Though other topics of international relations started to gain relevance again. In December 2020, the European Union’s 750 billion Euro recovery plan “NextGenerationEU” was finally realized after some institutional arguments about a conditionality clause. Now for the first half of 2021 the EUCO had time and resources to deal with the purchase, delivery, and redistribution of COVID vaccines, the end of intra-EU travel restrictions and the return of a full functioning single market.

Read our Semi Annual Report for the first half of 2021.

TRACK Semi Annual Report 2020 No. 2: Dealing with the pandemic on a European level

The European Council (EUCO) has always played a key role in the European Union (EU), especially for crisis management. Thus, it is no surprise that the club of national leaders in 2020 focused primarily on the handling of the coronavirus crisis. Though there was a discernible tendency for member states to try to deal with the crisis at the national level first, the EUCO was able to follow its problem-solving instinct as a crisis manager shortly after the outbreak of the pandemic.

Check out the Semi Annual Report for a brief analysis of the European Council's activities in the second half of 2020. 

TRACK Annual Report 2020: The European Council in 2020 - a key institution as crisis manager

In 2020, the European Council (EUCO) played a key role in the European Union (EU), especially as a crisis manager in the Corona crisis by dealing with the economic, political and social implications of one of the biggest crises in the European Union. For contributing to research and teaching on this key institution, this Annual Report offers an overview of the European Council’s meetings in 2020 and sheds light on the activities of the institution regarding the crises and other topics.

Read our second Annual Report for a detailed analysis of the European Council's activities in 2020. 

TRACK Annual Report 2020: Der Europäische Rat 2020 – eine Schlüsselposition in dynamischem Betrieb

Im Jahr 2020 spielte der Europäische Rat (ER) eine Schlüsselrolle in der Europäischen Union (EU), insbesondere als Krisenmanager in der Corona-Krise, indem er sich mit den wirtschaftlichen, politischen und sozialen Auswirkungen einer der größten Krisen in der Europäischen Union befasste. Als Beitrag zur Forschung und Lehre über diese wichtige Institution bietet dieser Jahresbericht einen Überblick über die Tagungen des Europäischen Rates im Jahr 2020 und beleuchtet die Aktivitäten der Institution in Bezug auf die Krisen und andere Themen.

Lesen Sie unseren zweiten Jahresbericht für eine detaillierte Analyse der Aktivitäten des Europäischen Rates im Jahr 2020.

TRACK Semi-Annual Report No. 2: The European Council in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic

More than ever before the European Council remains a significant object for research and teaching. The second semi-annual report aims to offer a factual overview over the activities in the first half of 2020 as well as an analysis and assessment of the crisis management to stimulate discussions on this key institution of the EU’s political leaders. 

Read our second Semi-Annual Report for a brief analysis of the European Council's activities in the first half of 2020. 

TRACK Annual Report 2019: The European Council in 2019 - a key institution in dynamic operation

In 2019, the European Council played a key role in the European Union as an electoral body, a constitutional architect, a collective voice of Member States in external affairs and by deepening of the Single Market as a driver of economic governance. For contributing to research and teaching on this key institution, this Annual Report offers an overview over the European Council’s meetings in 2019 and provides insights for a more thorough analysis and assessment of the most important topics discussed. 

Read our first Annual Report for a detailed analysis of the European Council's activities in 2019.

TRACK Annual Report 2019: Der Europäische Rat 2019 - eine Schlüsselinstitution in dynamischem Betrieb

Im Jahr 2019 hat der Europäische Rat als Wahlgremium, konstitutioneller Architekt, kollektive Stimme der Mitgliedstaaten in der Außenpolitik, sowie durch die weitere Vertiefung des Binnenmarktes als Treiber der wirtschaftlichen Ordnungspolitik eine Schlüsselrolle in der Europäischen Union gespielt. Dieser Jahresbericht bietet einen Überblick über die Gipfeltreffen des Europäischen Rates 2019 und gibt Einblicke für eine tiefergehende Analyse und Bewertung der wichtigsten diskutierten Themen, als Beitrag zu Lehre und Forschung zu dieser Schlüsselinstitution.

Lesen Sie unseren ersten Jahresbericht für eine detaillierte Analyse der Aktivitäten des Europäischen Rates im Jahr 2019.

TRACK Semi-Annual Report: a short overview. The European Council from July – December 2019

In the second half of 2019, a variety of important issues stood on the agenda of Heads of State or government. Some of them were already major topic during previous summits, others newly came up after the election to the European Parliament in May 2019. For contributing to research and teaching on the European Council, this Semi-Annual Report aims to offer a factual overview of the activities in the second half of 2019 as well as an analysis and assessment to stimulate discussions on this institution of the political leaders. 

Read our first Semi-Annual Report for a brief analysis of the European Council's activities from July - December 2019.